What is a Private Blog Network? Private Blog Network is a network of websites used for building links to a lone website in order to manipulate search rankings. Private Blog Network is a network of websites that made a system to produce links to a website objective in order to improve their organic SEO. A…
Technical SEO – #11 Best Practices for Technical SEO
What is Technical SEO? Technical SEO is the foundation of a great search strategy. You can have all of the links and great content, but if your technical architecture is not good, you have no chance of ranking. Technical SEO is the backbone of your website. It’s a behind the scene structure of content which…
Digital Marketing – What is it? What is SEO, SEM & SMM?
What is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines of Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Facebook, websites, social media, email, and mobile application. It’s referred to all forms of online marketing efforts. Digital marketing isn’t about advertising; it’s about reaching the right customers at the right time with correct…
Instagram Marketing – Top Hacks to Find Fame on Instagram
What is Instagram Marketing? Instagram is a breathing space for selfies, travel snaps and mealtime pictures. Instagram Marketing has become an increasingly important part of brands’ marketing strategies. Instagram Marketing is a space where big brands, small businesses, and consumers are all in the same position, with the same opportunity to create a page, gain…
Google Trends – #9 Best Ways to Improve Your SEO
What is Google Trends? Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to find out what topics are trending at any moment by tracking the number of searches around a given topic. Google Trends presents the data in visual charts. It allows users to compare similar search terms, highlighting related queries and providing information…
What is Social Media Optimization – (SMO)?
Social Media Optimization – SMO Social Media Optimization is a process used to increase the awareness and popularity of any brand, product or service. Social Media Optimization can be applied to blogging, micro-blogging, product images, and emails. Social Media Optimization is an effective way to get and stay ahead of your competition on social media…
What is Social Media Marketing – (SMM)?
Social Media Marketing – SMM Social Media Marketing is the public outreach and marketing of your brand and product through social networking sites. SMM is an efficient, cost-effective, and simple. If you are already doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Search Engine Marketing (SEM), now is the time to look into Social Media Marketing (SMM)….
How Mobile Marketing is Going to Take a Leap?
What is Mobile Marketing? Mobile Marketing is a promotional designed. Mobile Marketing encompasses all those activities which connect advertisers to consumers through mobile devices and networks. Mobile devices include phones, media devices, PDAs, portable gaming consoles, tablet, etc. This is never an option, it’s a really important aspect of Online Marketing. Mobile commercials are verified…
Future of Social Media is Tomorrow in Technology World
Future of Social Media No doubt, the Future of Social Media is of Tomorrow. Social media is itself a vast world where thousands of posts are added every day. Thousands of people join different social media marketing platforms and communities to share and consume content. Every business that wants to develop a strong foothold in…