What is Google Double Click? Google Double Click is a search management platform that helps agencies and marketers manage large search campaigns across multiple search engines or channels. It allows you to consolidate your workflow and report on your campaigns’ data while simultaneously improving the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Google Double Click allows marketers…
Google AdMob – List of Various Google AdMob Ads
What is Google AdMob? Google AdMob service is specifically for mobile applications. AdMob is a combination of “Advertisements on Mobile”. Google AdMob is a mobile advertising platform where developers can use to generate revenue from apps through in-app advertising. Google AdMob is a multi-platform mobile ad network that allows you to monetize and promote your…
Mobile Advertising – Highly Used Top Mobile Advertising Platforms
What is Mobile Advertising? Mobile Advertising is any advertising that is delivered through, shown on or viewed using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Mobile advertisement can take place as text ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear embedded in the mobile website in downloaded apps or in mobile games. Mobile Advertising is driving…
Google Voice Search – How to Optimize Website for Google Voice Search
What is Google Voice Search? Google Voice Search is an application which allows mobile, tablet, and desktop users to search the web using their voice. The world’s leading search engine has a Google Voice Search feature that helps the user to search queries on a mobile phone or computer by speaking. This feature was named…
PPC Strategy – How to Optimize PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Strategy
What is PPC Strategy? A Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategy is one of the quickest ways to attract potential customers to your website and increase conversions. The first step in creating a successful PPC strategy is research. We should dive deep into things to gain a clear understanding of your business, audience, and competition. PPC is a…
Ad Extensions – The Commonly Used Manual Ad Extensions
What are Ad Extensions? Ad Extensions are more space for text and other clickable links or buttons on your ad. These allow you to alter some of the formattings while increasing the size of your ad. Google’s regular text ads include clickable headlines linked to your chosen landing page, description, and URL. But Google AdWords allows…
Google Quality Score – How to Optimize Google Quality Score
What is the Google Quality Score? Google Quality Score is a number from 1 to 10 that shows how relevant is your keyword to a particular search query. Google Quality Score is a metric to determine how to place ads. If you’ve experience of Google AdWords, you may across the phrase ‘Quality Score’. Google describes…
Native Advertising – Types of Native Advertising Ad Formats
What is Native Advertising? Native Advertising is creating valuable content and presenting it on a platform in a way that resembles the other content the user is there to see. Native Advertising refers to a form of paid media that is often used by content marketers. It involves placing paid advertising in a non-disturbing way…
What is Digital Advertising – The Future of Digital Advertising
What is Digital Advertising? Digital Advertising is the practice of delivery promotional content to users through various online and digital channels. Digital Advertising is the means by which companies and sponsors use the Internet to promote and sell their products and services. Digital advertising can also take place on social media websites through text ads…