What is Threads App? Threads app is a mobile application developed by Facebook, specifically designed for private messaging and sharing with close friends. It is intended to be a companion app to Instagram, allowing users to maintain a more focused and intimate connection with a select group of people. Threads app primarily focuses on sharing…

Role of Influencer Marketing in 2023!
What is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing is a type of marketing strategy that involves collaborating with influential individuals, known as influencers, to promote a brand, product, or service to their target audience. Influencers are typically individuals who have a significant following and influence on social media platforms, such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or blogs. The…

How to Utilize Social Media to Gain More Customers
Why Use Social Media for Marketing? It is straightforward why individuals are active on online media. For advertisers, the possibility to develop their business through these organizations is interminable. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ – these are a portion of the superb organizations each organization, huge or little, youthful or set up, requirements to have…

Is Facebook Still Relevant For Promoting Your Business?
Guest Post – Business Promotion on Facebook – Your Facebook Page is regularly the focal center for your whole online media showcasing presence as a business. It’s an essential strategy for revelation, with clients both eagerly prescribing organizations to their companions, drawing in with your substance, and individuals discovering you through the hunt bar. Here,…

Facebook: Good Or Bad For The Business on Facebook?
Guest Post – Facebook for Business Facebook is a social media platform that was developed with the motive of connecting people. In the year 2004, it was introduced by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook allowed you to post photos and videos on your timeline and chat or relate to people worldwide. A total of 2.45 billion accounts are…

Banner Ads – Tips to Create Highly Effective Banner Ads
What is Banner Ads? Banner Ads are a type of online advertising that is used by advertisers to bring in traffic from other websites and networks. It’s a display ad wherein you can use images in different formats and can also add text. Banner Ads are very popular as they are noticed by people easily and…

Digital Analytics – Why Does Business Need Digital Analytics
What is Digital Analytics? Digital Analytics is the breakdown of qualitative and quantitative data from any business and the competition. It’s the digital footprints of your customers by exploring where they came from and where they went. Digital Analytics drives a continuous expansion of the online experiences of your existing and potential customers that convert your…

Facebook Analytics – How to Use Facebook Analytics
What is Facebook Analytics? If you’ve been on Facebook for a very long time, then you might have come across a term which is known as Facebook Analytics. In 2017, Facebook launched a new tool called Facebook Analytics that is to get a deeper understanding of what actions people are taking all the way to…

Facebook Instant Article – A User Guide to Instant Articles
What is Facebook Instant Article? Facebook Instant Article is Facebook’s attempt to make a fast and efficient mobile web platform. Facebook Instant Article was launched in May 2015. The selected publishers like National Geographic and The New York Times were allowed to participate. Later on, Facebook Instant Article was opened to all publishers in April 2016….